Photo Credit: Adobe Stock 369005299
It's one of the peak times of the year for star gazers- the Perseid Meteor Shower. The annual meteor shower that is visible to most of the northern hemisphere is near it's peak of Tuesday, August 11 into Wednesday, August 12, and Wednesday, August 12 into Thursday, August 13.
And the University of Illinois Springfield Astronomy-Physics Program will be ready for the spectacle with a virtual star party live on Zoom from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday- rain or shine.
While it is possible to see up to 100 "shooting stars" or meteors an hour, it's more common to see closer to 50. Anyone wanting to attend the virtual star party should go to:
Alternately, you can join on Zoom using the meeting ID 970 0930 5382 and the password “stars”.
You can find out more about the UIS Star parties HERE
Source: UIS Summer Star Party Events