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Writer's pictureDeb West

If You Want To Be A Bridesmaid, You Need To Wear The Dress- Even If You’re A Dude

Photo Credit: Unsplash

From Reddit’s AITA (Am I The Asshole) column comes the story of a 22-year-old guy and his 21-year-old female best friend.

She was getting married and wanted him to be in the wedding party as one of her bridesmaids. However, she had a couple of conditions that didn’t sit really well with him.

He had to wear makeup and a bridesmaid dress

According to his Reddit post:

When she first told me all of theses things I thought she was joking and laughed. When she assured me she was being serious I told her I didn’t think I was ok with all of those things. She was mad. She said she didn’t understand how her best friend could refuse to be her bridesmaid. I told her that I couldn’t help what I am and are not comfortable with doing. Just to clarify, I’m extremely comfortable with my masculinity, but wearing make up and dresses is something I am just 100% not comfortable with. I love my friend so much but this really isn’t something I’m willing to do. When I tried to explain this to her she got even more mad. She told me it was her day, and I told her I understood but I wasn’t willing to do that. She then told me that she’d prefer me to just not go to the wedding at all.

He and the bridezilla haven’t spoken since the incident.

For what it is worth, most of the respondents don't believe he is the a-hole.

Source: Reddit

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