While some schools are still grappling about whether or not they will open in the coming weeks, one thing is certain for the elementary schools- no sports.
The Illinois Elementary School Association (IESA) board has announced on Friday cancellation of the regular season and state series for boys and girls golf, boys baseball, girls softball, and boys and girls cross-country for the 2020-21 school year and the seasons will not be rescheduled.
A decision about girls basketball is anticipated by late August befire practice is scheduled to start on August 31st.
In Friday, IESA released this announcement on their web page:
"We know that there will be many people within the school system who will applaud this decision and there will be many who will be strongly opposed. At the forefront of the Board decision is that the activities must be conducted within the current limitations that have been placed on the schools by the IDPH. In particular, the mandate that there can be no physical contact between athletes and that students must be socially distanced (6 ft. of separation) makes the administration and conduct of games and contests very difficult and in some cases impossible to adhere to the mandates."
IESA concedes that there are many youth summer leagues are taking place but notes those leagues are not held to the same standard by the Illinois Department of Public Health that the school systems are.