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Writer's pictureDeb West

Harvest Season Brings Dangers To Farmers and Drivers

Photo Credit: Adobe Stock 235685093

It’s getting to be that time of year again. Farmers are starting to harvest their crops and get fields ready for the winter months. Encountering farm vehicles on the roadways is increasingly more common as more people are relocating to rural areas and are commuting to work through on the same roads farmers need to use. Also, 2-lane roads often have higher speed limits, increasing the dangers for those driving slower equipment. Another major factor is farmers often have multiple fields they are responsible for that are not connected, requiring them to go on public roads to get to all of their fields.

The Illinois Department of Labor has a warning for both the framers and the drivers. Farmers are reminded to make sure all of the lights on their equipment is properly working and that they have slow-moving signage properly displayed.

For drivers encountering farm equipment on the roadways, here are a few tips to remember:

  • Most farm equipment can only travel at speeds of 15 to 25 mph, so slow down when approaching.

  • Farm equipment can often require an operator to make wide-turns. So be on the lookout for any hand signals they may use to let you know what they are doing.

  • Driving farm equipment with one set of tires on loose-surfaced shoulders can significantly increase the risk of turning over. So don’t expect them to mover their vehicles over to the side of the road. It may be too dangerous for them to do so,

  • Especially at dusk and dawn when visibility isn’t as good, be on the lookout for flashing amber lights. Some tractors also have reflective tape on the sides of equipment to increase visibility. Slow down when you see it.

Left-hand-turn collisions and rear-end collisions account for nearly 50% of all accidents involving motorists and farm equipment operators. So be patient and be aware.

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