Ball-Chatham School District Official Facebook Page
The start of the 20/21 school year in the Ball-Chatham School District will start a bit later than initially planned.
Students who have signed up for the remote learning model will start on August 28. The students who are doing the in-person hybrid model will begin on August 31. Those students will attend classes half days Monday through Thursday. Fridays will be for asynchronous learning.
According to the Ball-Chatham website's Return to Learn update:
Monday, August 24th - Teachers remote/virtual learning planning day
Tuesday, August 25th - Teachers remote/virtual learning planning day
Wednesday, August 26th - Orientation and tech training for students - principals to send schedules and details
Thursday, August 27th - Orientation and tech training for students - principals to send schedules and details
Friday, August 28th - First day of remote/virtual learning for all students
Monday, August 31st - First day for in-person learners to attend in their schools
You can read the full update HERE