Photo Credit: Springfield Public School District 186 Official Facebook Page
The Springfield Public School Board met via Zoom last night to discuss various topics. A vote to return to in-person learning was almost immediately removed from the agenda by a 7-0 vote.
The decision to not vote on students returning to school was made because the district is missing two of the four metrics it determined back in September for a safe return to the classroom. Currently, Sangamon County is reporting 177 cases of COVID-19 per 100,000. The School District had recently revised that metric to be a maximum of 100 cases per 100,000 – up from 50 cases. Also, the positivity rate for testing is at 5.3% and rising. The target for that metric was 5% positivity or less.
Approximately 200 special education students will be allowed to return to school on October 20 – as was already decided by the board.
75 Students and parents rallied outside the School Board offices on West Monroe before the start of the meeting but, until all 4 metrics are met, it is unlikely students will be returning to the classroom any time soon
Source: SJR