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CORRECTION: Casa Real was incorrectly listed as a restaurant that had been closed for defying the new restrictions. This story has been edited to correct that error.
On Friday, new restrictions on restaurants and bars went into effect to help minimize the spread of COVID-19.
The new restrictions included:
No indoor dining or bar service
Seating of patrons is limited to outdoor tables
Tables must be 6 feet apart
Reservations are required of each party
Already 4 local businesses have had their food service permits suspended for defying those new restrictions, including Fox Run Restaurant (1130 Legacy Point Dr.), D&J Café (915 W Laurel St.), Charlie Parker’s Diner (700 North St.), and the newly opened Sweet Basil Café (4241 Conestoga Dr).
Three of the restaurants, Sweet Basil Café, S&J Café, and Charlie Parker’s Diner, had all received fines of $500 earlier.
Should any restaurant with a suspended food service permit continue to serve patrons, they face the risk of legal action from the state’s attorney’s office resulting in the permanent loss of their license.
The defiance and resulting actions come as Illinois Department of Public Health reported 10,631 new, confirmed cases of COVID-19. The tenth day in a row the count has topped 10,000.
Source: SJR